For all those who like adventure, we have the two "KAMIKAZES", the water slides of "BANZAI", "CRAZY RACE", "RAPIDS", "GRAN CANYON", "BLACK HOLE" and "THE DEVIL'S TAIL", which is made up of two completely enclosed slides which have different routes and is one of the park`s most request attractions. Some slighty tamer attractions "CONGO RIVER", the five "ANACONDA" slides and the two "SURF BEACH", swimming pools which havemachines as well as for the children "MINI PARK", "DRAGOLAND" and "POLINESIA" area, a children play area.
MARINELAND is the ideal place for family entertainment which has one of the best Dolphin Shows in the world.These fantastic dolphins delight young a old alike with their exercices and water games. You can also find sea lion and the parrot performances as well as sharks, penguins, flamingos, rays and tortoises. Not forgetting a complete AVIARY with birds from five continent, the "MINI PARK", with a children' s swimming pool, self service cafeteria, and direct access to the beach, which make this park the ideal place to stend a whole day out with the family.
If you like strong emotions then come to Aqualand Magaluf "100% water fun".Millions of litres of water and the best of the latest attractions wait you. We are located in the tourist hotspot of Calvia 10 minutes from Palma. Don't miss out! Our latest "Boomerang" and "Tornado" attractions are unique in the Island of Mallorca. And don't forget... we have the best and most entertaining play ereas in "Dragoland" and "Mini Parks for" for the kids. You can find slides in the shape of the Dragons and Whales herewhich will delight the kings of the house.
WESTERN PARK is a magnificent western-themed water. Only 10 minutes from Palma in the tourist hotspot of Calvia you can find a world of fun for all the family.The latest water attractions and the best diving and sea lion performances ensure you have an uncredible day out. "THE BEAST" is a unique and extramely spectacular attraction. It is made up of four slides with death-defying drops and different shapes and feature a super Kamikaze slide with a 30 metre drop you can't miss it
This ancient monestary, in its royal residency origins, founded and unhabitted by carthusian monks from 1399 to 1835 took in the polish pianist and composer federic Chopin and the french writer George sand in the winter of 1838-1839. Its museums store memories of the romantic couple and art and culture displays from the 15th to the 20th centuries
Learn more about traditional Mallorca and enjoy visiting the property of Els Calderers. Here you can discover how the Mallorcans lived in centuries gone by; both in relation to the farmers who looked after the land and animals, as well as the the noblemen of the estate. This is all conserved with great taste and there is enormous attention given to even the smallest details.
Costa Nord de Valldemossa, one of the Mallorca's most symbolic areas Costa Nord is located in the centre of Valdemossa, one of Mallorca's most symbolic areas. The visit to Costa nord starts with the screening of a film about the Island's history, of its north coast and the famous personalities that live there and a virtual recreation of the "Nixe", the Archduke luis Salvador's boat. Series of concerts foodie day, cinema club, guided excursuions to the Serra de Tramontana among other things take place in Costa Nord. Its retaurant specialises in Mediterranean cuisine.
A Tibetan villa transferred to Mallorca is the setting of a new family attraction for people of all ages. House of Katmandu in Magaluf tells the history of the explorer Kilgore Goode in his search for the jewel of the Himalaya- a magicalinteractive adventure full of surprises for visitors. In the journey which lasts between one and two, the latest audiovisual techniques, complicated tricks and figures from the most fantastical myths and legends accompany you. This is a unique and entertaining attraction that is suitabl for all ages. you have to come and see it to believe it. Opening hours: from 10am
The visit to Granja includes a trip round the magnificent house, with all its rooms and craft work-shop, the splendid gardens with their fountains, ancient trees, and domestic and wild animals and the chance to sample typical Mallorcan products: fritters, cheese, fig bread, Mallorcan sausage and wines among other things. Late on Wednestday and fridays: Handicraft fair and live folk music. Cafeteria and restaurant service with menus for individuals and grups, a la carteand organization of banquets for celebracions and events.
Natura parc Santa Eugenia is the first zoo in the Balearic Islands. It is the ideal complement for the tourist who want to get to know our nature in addition to our culture. There are more than 400 species of animals from the five continents, integrated in aspectacular Mediterranean garden where you will enjoy direct contact with nature and learn to respect it and live alongsitde it. NATURA PARC is a centre which has been adopted to recieve hundreds of visitors daily. Ther is a cafe-bar, souvenirshop and picnic area. The route has also been adopted for the physically disabled as all the roads are made from asphalt and have ramps
Mallorca has an impressive wealth of landscapes. As a result, the walks in the mountains, coast and plains reveal magnificent nature sceneries that will impress hikers venturing onto the island’s trails.
Most walking routes are located in the Tramuntana Mountains, on the northeastern coast of Mallorca. There you will enjoy the best views, the most spectacular streams and the highest mountains on the island with several peaks rising above 1,000 metres. The highest point is Puig Major at approximately 1,450 metres. The Llevant Mountains are also captivating. They are not as high and are more scattered than the Tramuntana mountains. But they certainly deserve a visit. Lastly, you can also walk along the coast, especially if you want to enjoy the peace and solitude of the beautiful virgin beaches hidden in the Mallorcan coast. Such is the case of the the Artà beaches, in the Llevant nature park, or a number of virgin beaches in the municipality of Manacor, among others. Also a pilgrimage to the monasteries in the area, like Lluc or Sant Salvador, will make a very interesting walk.
It is not only about enjoying nature but also about exploring it and discovering traces of our history and culture in the landscape. Part of our ethnological heritage is connected to charcoal making. It is formed by stone structures such as huts, charcoal hearths, loading platforms, etc. Snow deposits are another interesting heritage feature. They were used in the past to store snow and make ice. Other heritage elements include dry-stone paths, fountains and water mills. Furthermore, hiking also allows you to discover the Balearic flora and its endemic species, the unique Tramuntana forest with holm oak and olive trees, and, in the Llevant region, the giant reed, pine and strawberry trees. It is also easy to watch the local wildlife: black vultures, goats and donkeys.
This old wooden train works as a time machine and takes you from the cosmopolitan and modern city of Palma, winding its way up the Serra de Tramuntana throught tunels and over bridges, and almond and orange fields to the marvellous Soller valley, which is where one of the prettiest and most typical towns on the Island is located.
When the night turns into a performance
Each week Mallorca's most famous nightclubs offer something else. The most famous DJ's, a spectacular animation,shows and performances, parades among other things. Good music and aselect environment wiil ensure that the night are unforgatable. Various atmosphere, VIP, room, open-air terraces in Palma's promenade.
Palma By Night
Located at Porto Cristo to the east of Mallorca these are internationally renowned for their excellence and special treeshaped formations. The caves contain various lakes with the largest being " sea of venice" wher daily performances of "Magical Mozart" take place in homage to the famous composer.
Submerge yourself in the visonsry world of Jules Verne, father of science fiction, in the cave's new themed area. A spectacular combination of digital technology set within a world-first underground auditorium. Experience a virtual adventure as a result of the most up-to-date audiovisual and digital projection techniques created on the Cave ancient rocks. Phography and filming is permitted in the interior without using a flash. These Caves are open to the public all year round.
Vuelta a la Isla. Tour of the Island ( TOP FIVE )
Tras su desayuno en el Hotel , emprenderemos viaje con autocar hacia Inca , capital insular de la piel , donde podremos conocer el proceso industrial de esas hermosas chaquetas que ahí se fabrican ... Continuaremos por las montañas del Norte de la Isla , cerca del Puig Major (pico más alto de las Baleares) hasta el Monasterio de Lluch , donde los mallorquines veneran a su Virgen "Morena" de Lluch , patrona de Mallorca. Seguiremos por una espléndida carretera para llegar a la maravillosa Cala de La Calobra escarbada entre las montañas durante siglos.... Visita al torrente de Pareis , después de recorrer un túnel de unos 200 mts. En este paraíso natural podrán almorzar no sin antes darse un cortito baño en las cristalinas aguas de la Cala. Por la tarde , y si el tiempo lo permite , realizaremos un crucero en barca hasta el Puerto de Sóller , para admirar desde el mar la Costa Brava Mallorquina .El regreso de Sóller , pueblo típico de pescadores , a Palma , se realizará en el famoso tren , cuyo recorrido a través de las montañas y túneles es realmente magnífico. Una vez en Palma les aguardarán los autocares para llevarles a sus respectivos hoteles.

Excursion Cuevas del Drach ( TOP FIVE )
Recorriendo los pueblos de Algaida , Montuiri , en donde podrán admirar y comprar algún que otro presente en la fábrica de perlas artificiales Majorica , tras nuestro paso por Villafranca del Bonany , llegaremos a Manacor , tercera ciudad en nº de habitantes de Mallorca , importante por su industria bisutera , artesanía del olivo y sobre todo del mueble. Seguiremos hasta Porto Cristo , donde se tendrá luego tiempo libre para visitar las famosísimas Cuevas del Drach , obra maestra de la naturaleza . Muchas sorpresas nos aguardan en el interior , como el inolvidable concierto de música clásica sobre barcas en el Lago Martel , considerado como el mayor lago subterráneo del mundo de 177 m de largo.
Las Cuevas del Drac son en realidad cuatro: la Cueva de los franceses, la Cueva de Luis Salvador. Las Cuevas que tienen una longitud total de unos dos Kms., fueron exploradas por el espeleólogo francés Martel en 1896, por encargo del Archiduque de Austria Luis Salvador.Las estalactitas y estalagmitas invaden todas las cuevas, a veces uniéndose, formando caprichosas formas que recuerdan animales, imágenes, figuras humanas, etc.

Le recogeremos en su hotel para dirigirnos a Son Amar , finca típica Mallorquina situada a 11 Km de Palma . Con casi medio siglo de existencia como Barbacoa y debido al gran número de turistas que la visitan cada año es famosa , prácticamente en todo el mundo Le invitamos a un grandioso espectáculo del que no se va a olvidar fácilmente.
Bus Turístico De Palma
(City Sightseeing Bus Palma ) ( TOP FIVE )
Realiza dos rutas diferentes que recorren los puntos más interesantes de la ciudad, la Bahía de Palma, La Catedral, el Castillo de Bellver, etc... Su frecuencia es de 20 minutos y en los autocares se puede disfrutar de aire acondicionado y explicaciones en ocho idiomas.
El precio por persona es de 15 Euros por ticket de 24 horas, aunque los niños sólo pagan la mitad de este importe y hay tarifas especiales para los residentes, etc... Este servicio opera 7 días a la semana, todo el año.